How to Pray and Receive a New Car - Within 4 Weeks!

Last month, one of my readers needed a new

car. He asked the LORD for it. And the Lord

answered and showed him this beautiful,

new SUV.

Only problem was: he had no money to

buy it.

He asked me if I had prayer points to

release the car.

I gave him my closely guarded recipe

(one that I used personally to attract

my new car and my new house).

Here it is:

1. Pray the prayer of a DOER according

to Phil.4:13 (A friend just christened it,

"The 6 little prayers that move mountains")

2. Say to the Holy Spirit

- I really desire this car

- but the money is not yet in my

bank account

- how can I create value for OTHERS so

that I'll be compensated and I can

buy this car?

3. Then the Holy Spirit will

- lead you to go out

- create value

- trade that value for money

- trade that money for the car

Rapid Result

- he was able to create a useful product

- sell it and get the money to buy the



Everyone has benefited - he's got his dream

car; others are enjoying the product he

created; and the amount of value in the

world has grown for everyone - all within

4 weeks!

In A Nutshell

I have just uncovered to you the

"Secrets" of what is called the

"Prayer of the Doer."

This is a prayer so powerful, it has

been kept under lock and key by veteran

prayer warriors through the ages.

Among the insiders, it is discussed only

in "hushed" tones.

* It is a mysterious prayer that's been

known to turn paupers into millionaires

almost overnight.

* Those who've been tutored on how to apply

it well have been reported to have started

businesses almost out of nothing and grown

them beyond their wildest dreams... in very

short order.

Please go through this little piece again carefully

and let the Holy Spirit speak to your


This is how God wants his children

to create value in our world.

Apply these simple steps diligently and you'll

soon find yourself swimming in the ocean

of abundance.

You can find more information on this

and more in the latest version of

my popular ebook, "Prayer Cookbook for

Busy People." Plus, the prayer points

and WHEN to pray them.

Get it here:

Be blessed!


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