Irish Gifts and Symbols

There are a lot of people who would like to own Irish Gifts that are not Irish. This is because, most gifts are treasured for a lifetime. Here are some Irish gift ideas that we've put together. They are all the things we'd like to be given.

Irish Celtic Cross

There is a legend that the Celtic Cross was introduced by St. George. Patrick. In the 1800's it was used for public monuments, and grave marks. Now the celtic cross appears in jewelry, tattoos, coffee cups and wall decorations.


The shamrock is a symbol of Ireland. The plant was said to be used by St. Patrick to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity because it is a three-leafed clover.

You can find the shamrock on all kind of great gift items, like key chains, mugs, caps, flags, glasses, tea pots, pins, and many more.

Connemara Marble

This rare beautiful 300 million old green marble comes from Connemara in the West of Ireland.

Many irish gifts are fashioned from Connemara Marble. These gifts are sure to be treasured.

The marble is often carved into shapes like a shamrock, cross, or heart and is used as paper weights, key chains and beads in a rosary.

Irish Blessing

"May the Road rise to meet you ..." is the popular Irish Blessing. It can be found on tokens, ceramic pottery, mugs, blessing books and represented in blessing stones.

Blarney Finnians Collectibles

Blarney Finnians are keepers of the Blarney Stone. They are exclusively Irish. It is said that kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland endows one with the "Luck of the Irish", "Good Fortune" and the "Gift of Gab". The stone comes from the Blarney Stone Quarry in Cork Ireland.

These adorable collectible figurines are hand painted with names that will bring back memories from the Island of Ireland.


Claddagh is the Irish symbol of love, loyalty, friendship, fidelity, and of Irish heritage. It originates in a tiny village near Galway city. The Claddagh is a heart being held by a pair of hands with a crown above. The hands are friendship, the heart is love, the crown is loyalty and lasting fidelity.

It is one of the few Irish icons.

It was traditionally handed down from mother to daughter and has also become a symbol of our ties with the past generations that have gone by.

It has been the traditional wedding ring of the Irish and is now worn by people all over the world.

The Claddagh symbol can be found on irish gifts like friendship bracelets, money clips, necklaces, earrings, photo frames and stoneware.


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