Maintenance Of Car Interiors

For some, it is just a walk in the park to get your car looking all shiny from the outside. However, it is an entirely different story when it comes to keeping the interiors looking the same way.

It is of vital importance to take good care of the car's interior as it not only keeps it clean and fresh, but in the long run will also impact in adding to the resale value of the automobile. A well maintained interior unduly improved the driving experience as well.

Taking a few precautionary measures would not hurt, as this would reduce the burden of cleaning the interiors later on. The following guidelines would keep your car looking as good as new always.

1) Use of rubber mats:

We tend to bring in a lot of dirt into the car through our footwear. It would be a great idea to supplement the factory cloth mats with rubber or plastic mats. These mats protect the fabric below as they act as excellent dust collectors. They are also less prone to damage when compared to cloth mats.

2) Drive with air conditioning on:

There is a lot of dust in the atmosphere. Accumulation of dust in a car causes the interiors to age much faster. This reduces the overall aesthetic beauty of the car and hence affects its resale value. Here is always advisable to drive with the air conditioning on.

3) Do not eat, drink or smoke in the car:

We all try to be careful while consuming beverages in the car. Do not we? Irrespective of our efforts, we tend to make mistakes which clearly stain the upholstery of the car. You can always make out from the interiors of a car to identify whether the driver smokes or not. More often than not you would always find burn patches here and there which are non-repairable.

4) Vacuuming:

Vacuuming is the best method to keep a car's inside spick and span. It helps remove dirt hidden in various nook and crannies of the car. It helps you reach areas that are non-accessible to your hands and hence helps in deep cleansing of the car.

5) Upholstery cleaners:

Although Vacuuming helps to capture loose dirt, it is of little use when it comes to cleaning tough stains. Use high quality upholstery cleaners in order to do away with the blemishes. To retain the suppleness of the fabric, always blot the stains with the cleaner instead of rubbing over them.


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