
What is technology? I bet that everyone you ask will give you a different definition, depending on the things he / she uses. I'm sure your mother will tell you that technology makes her life easy because of all the gadgets that were invented, your younger brother will say technology means last generation computers and high detailed games, you will probably say that it is your mobile phone. I will say for me technology is semi-cocked food. It was probably the best invention ever. But it's just me.

So, we have established how we, the mortals, see technology. But would not be really interesting to see what it really is? Well it deals with how a customs and knowledge of instruments intended to ease the life and how it affects its ability to fit into the environment. This is a general definition.

We, the humans see it as a result of the interaction of different sciences and engineering.

Technology is one of those terms that actually can not be defined. It cam means everything from a main board to a way of organizing a factory. It can refer to practice everything, because all of the things around us were, at a certain point technological breakthroughs.

How can we use it? As such, in specific areas like "medical technology", describing only one aspect of science or in expressions like "state-of-the-art-technology", which is by far more abstract.

We have used technology for as far as we implemented. It is in our blood to discover all kinds of things meant to ease our life. And if they do not exist, you can bet wee will invent them. Starting with the discovery of fire and with the adaptation of all the things we find in nature to our needs and ending with the World Wide Web and the space satellites launched into the orbit, we managed to turn everything in our favor. And that is technology. Well, as our ancestors used to say, since the invention of the wheel we've learned a great deal about controlling our environment.

Technology is every ware around us, permitting us to interact at a global scale. Imagine that! With just a click you can see your friend from the other side of the world in real time. Not just talk to her, but see her, see what she does and how she reacts.

But technology bought upon us a great curse too. We did not invent only good things. There are a lot of destructive gadgets that do not ease our existence, but only complicate it, or end it. Bang-Bang! And that's not your kid's gun, but a real one that can end your life in a heart beat.

All in all technology is what makes the world go round every day. Well, not exactly. Magic, or the laws of nature make that. Technology is everything else, all the things that can not be blamed on magic. Ant that's about 99.9% of the things that you use in life. So, VIVA Technology.


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