TLC for Mobility Vehicles

Every vehicle requires some tender loving care to ensure optimum efficiency and to ensure longerer usage. For those differently -abled users, their mobility vehicles are blessings for them and are strictly necessities. Taking care of these vehicles does not require as much time or effort as perceived by some.

Depending on the model and manufacturer, electronic mobility vehicles require an average of 12 hours continuous charging for optimum use. It is, therefore, important that these vehicles are charged overnight at the end of each day of use to maximize battery life.

For those battery-operated models, battery acid levels should be checked at least every two weeks. If done correctly and with moderate use, these batteries should last for, on average, a year or 18 months. Again, this depends on the vehicle's model.

For some people, there are instances when their mobility vehicles will not be in use everyday. In these cases, it is, therefore, advisable that batteries are always fully charged. Ensure that batteries are charges at least every two weeks when not in use.

Similar to other vehicles, these mobility vehicles also requires regular checks and maintenance. Have the vehicles serviced by a qualified technician at least every six month to ensure optimum performance and to avoid unnecessary accidents while in use.

Checking the tire pressure is also advisable. For moderate users, tires should be checked at least every three months. This practice ensures the avoidance of unnecessary accidents like punctures and the other similar mishaps.

Mobility vehicles are first and foremost means of transportation, making them very susceptible to the elements and the harm they bring about unattended vehicles. Storing them in a secure, roofed or shaded area minimizes weather damage. One should not also discount the possibility of theft; hence, parking them in secure areas can also dishearten would-be thieves.

Showing some good old tender loving care to one's mobility vehicles ensures longer usage. Show some love to one's vehicle, and it will return the love back.


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