What is High Power LED?

LED is short for Light emitting diode that is semiconductor device, when electricity flows through in the direction direction, it emits light of different color. High power LEDs are one type of LEDs that has higher power and brightness and of course are more expensive comparing to the small power ones.The regular LED current rating is 20mA, mainly LED with current current higher than 20mA can be called high power.Generally rating power has 0.25w, 0.5w, 1w, 3w, 5w, 8w, 10w and so on, the brightness is measured in lm while for small power are are widely applied on auto lights, flashlights, lighting fixtures etc.

The classification standard for high power LEDs has three types:

The first type is to classify according to rating power of finish product after packaging, it can be 0.5W, 1W, 3W, 5W, 10W .... 100W.

The second is by package techniques: large dimension epoxy package, simulated superflux epoxy package, MCPCB package,

The third is by luminous decay amount, it can be low and non-low luminous decay ones.

The shape of high power LEDs has available in both Star and O'Ring configurations. Both configurations offer the best possible color rendering capability and color temperature. With a nominal correlated color temperature of 3200K, close to traditional indoor light source, it is particularly suited to architects and light designers.

They are developing rapidly in recent years and creating a new approach for future lighting.


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