Best Friendship Quotes With Explanations to Make Your Friendship Better

You must have lots of friends. Let me tell you that having lots of friends does not matter but having true friends matters a lot. You often read lots of quotes on friendship but I would like to share some of the best friendship quotes ever.

"Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen." - Samuel Paterson
Books are know as our best friends. We always be selective when we choose books. We do not read so many books. They are few and well chosen. So while selecting friends, we should also apply the same strategy. It is really very sensitive decision.

"Friendship needs no words." - Dag Hammarskjold
The language of friendship is understanding. Friends read each other's face and expressions. You need not to express yourself with the help of words. They are your well wishers and know what you want to say.

"Friends show their love at the time of trouble." - Euripides (408 BC)
Troubles are the essentials of life. We face lots of troubles while moving forward in life. Our true friends support us and show their care while going through tough time. They walk with us.

"Two lives, two hearts join together in friendship united forever in love." -Anonymous
Friends lives together and their hearts always need each others. They think of one another and keep on adding love and care for their friendship.

"With true friends - even water drunk is sweet enough." -Chinese Proverb
There are lots of memories with friends. Each and every moment is remember able with friends. They eat and drink together and enjoy the life. Every moment is sweet enough with them.

"A good friends is cheaper than therapy." -Anonymous
Friends take good care of each others. They never let you go into any depressions. You keep on laughing with them. Many disease stay away from a smiling nature person. So you will be away from doctors. So it is well said that a good friend is cheaper than therapy.

"Friendship is only cement that will ever hold the world together." -Woodrow Wilson
The world comes together with the bond of friendship. Nations behave like friends and help each other. So it is the only cement to hold the world together.

So develop your relationship of friendship to live your life better.


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