How to Get the Most Cash for Junk Cars

If an old clunker is sitting idle in your garage or driveway, you'd probably like to get rid of it soon.

But do not be in a rush to sell the vehicle. Although it may look like it belongs in a demolition derby, chances are that its panels and engine parts are worth something. Before you dispose of the car, consider your options carefully, and choose the one that will pay you the most money. If you need help determining the best option, the tips below should help.

Sell ​​To an Individual

Most private buyers want automobiles that run. If your vehicle is down for the count, your chances of selling it to an individual are slim - unless, of course, the car is a classic. In that case, the body alone may be valuable. If your clunker is just a regular vehicle, though, selling it to a dealership, or a salvage yard that pays cash for junk cars, is a better option.

Sell ​​to an Auto Dealership

Auto dealerships are interested in buying used vehicles. After all, research shows that many dealers make a better profit from selling pre-owned models than new ones. For an automobile to be valued to a dealer, it needs to be in reasonably good condition. Dealers do not mind replacing tires or a few bad engine parts, but they want to invest as little money as possible to make a vehicle salable. Consequently, they usually do not offer cash for junk cars.

Sell ​​to a Salvage Yard

A salvage yard that has a, "Cash for cars" program is the best place to sell a vehicle that is out of commission. Salvage cards that offer cash for junk cars sell usable parts from vehicles that are wrecked, broken, or have a problem that makes them un-drivable. In addition to typically paying the seller hundreds of dollars for a clunker, a salvage yard commonly offers to tow the vehicle for free.


If you have an old clunker that is considered a classic, or needs a few fixes to be in good condition, you may get the most money from selling it to an individual or auto dealership, respectively. However, if the auto is not a classic, and would require costly repairs to run again, selling it to a salvage yard that has a, "Cash for cars" program is the best option. To learn how much your clunker is worth, call a salvage lot that offers cash for cars today.


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