How to Start a Driving School

How to start a driving school. You will start by going onto the DMV website and downloading the application for the owner, operator and instructor. Next you will want to print off the driving school program handbook, do not confuse the 'program' handbook with the public handbook they give out at the DMV. The 'program' handbook is specifically for driving schools, it covers all the rules and regulations as well as the qualifications needed for the owner operator and instructor.

If you do not want or can not print the application or program handbook, you can always go into a field office of the DMV and ask the inspector for a copy and an application packet, make sure you call the DMV to see where the closest field office is to you, not all DMV's are field offices. After you go through your application you will want to make sure you have the necessary qualifications before you go any further.

Opening up a school can be a long and tedious proposition, there are many things you must do before you can open your doors. For example; you must secure a bond, pay the required fees, submit an insurance certificate, rent an office space in which to run your business out of and hold your driver education classes. You will need to have the fire department come out to inspect your space and they will give you a certificate of how many people it can hold. If you are going to hire any additional office help or driving instructors, you must provide worker's comp insurance. You will also need to get a certificate of inspection for each driver training vehicle if you are planning on offering driver training.

The driving school consists of an owner or owners, an operator who oversees the operation of the school and the driving instructor, who will teach driver education and or driver training. The owner does not have to take a DMV test, but the operator and instructor do.

Now the big glitch! Most People interested in opening up a driving school do not realize that to be the operator of the school, you need to have worked for an established licensed California driving school as a driving instructor for a period of not less than 2,000 hours of actual behind -the-wheel teaching. If you have this requirement then great, if you do not you will need to either hire an instructor who has their 2,000 hours or hire an operator. During the time you have someone else as your operator you can be accumulating the hours you need so you can take over that position and save yourself some money.

These are just some of the requirements that I have listed above, read through the program handbook before you spend any money! Make sure this business is the right fit for you.


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