The Top 6 Places to Use Your Business Logo

Owning your own business, whether local or online, requires you to remain competitive and ahead of your rival companies. One of the key components of marketing and gaining exposure is through business branding. This requires the use of your business logo in as many places as you can get it. The more consumers see your logo, the more they begin referring it to your company and remembering you the next time they need your services. Here are the best six places to use your business logo for optimal business branding.

Social Media Networks

Social media is an essential part of branding your business, and your company logo should be used on each and every social media website you belong to. Make your company logo your profile picture and place it anywhere else that is suitable. Every person who follows you on Twitter, Facebook and other social media networks, is going to see the logo and begin remembering it.

Website Banner

One of the first places you will place your business logo is your website banner. Do not underestimate the power of proper business branding by including your logo right on your website banner. The banner is the best place for it because it is seen on every webpage.


All communications online and in print should have your business brand. This includes on all digital and print newsletters, direct mail, brochures, email signatures, postcards, fax cover sheets and any other documents you send. Even a small logo on the upper corner of a newsletter is effective.

Product Packaging

If your business ships items, place your logo on the product packaging. You have multiple items where this can be done, including the address label, gift box, discount coupons included in the shipment, and on the printed invoice. Also, do not forget to put a sticker with your logo on the package itself. Not only does the customer see this, but so does every hand it gets passed to at the post office and on route.

QR Codes

A QR code, which stands for "Quick Response Code" is a square scanning code that is made up of pixels. This type of code can be scanned using a smart phone or mobile device's barcode scanner. After scanning the code, the individual can view the data you programmed into the code and be directed to a website of your choice. You can design the code to include a small area with your business logo that does not detract from the scanning capability.


The last place to put your business logo for branding purposes, is on your favicon. AS you might already know, the favicon is the small icon next to your URL address in the browser. It is highly useful at branding and showing you are a professional. It is easy to have a favicon generated using your company logo.

By placing your logo in these six places, you're gaining exposure and increasing business branding opportunities. Before long, you will begin noticing the difference it has made in your marketing efforts.


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