Setting Up Your Own Movie Studio

I watched a video online not long ago regarding how cheaply you could setup your own mini movie studio. Last night I was visiting my local electronics retailer and my mind was blown at what's available in off-the-shelf video equipment. Here's a run down of what you will need to get your movie studio setup and some prices as of March 2008.

First off, to record your video you will need a camera. Now, due to your previous experiences, you may think that will cost an arm and a leg, but cameras are cheap today. See more info below. All types of cameras exist that record on SD type cards, internal hard drives, mini disks and so on. Right now I personally prefer using a camera with an SD card for video. One reason why-the ease of importing the video to the computer. No firewire card or cable is necessary and it is quick. If you import video via a USB or firewire cable, you typically have to wait the same amount of time as the length of the video you are importing. However, with an SD card you can simply copy and paste the video and your done! Super fast transfer.

The next thing to consider for your movie studio is a tripod for your camera. Local electronics retailers and mega stores have these for cheap these days.

Thirdly, you will most likely want a microphone that can plug into your camera to get really high-quality audio recorded with your video. You may also need an adapter to fit your camera's av port. Where can you find these for little dollars? Ebay, of course !.

Finally, you will need a computer that can edit and export your video to a common format. If you're reading this article online, you already have the computer. If you are running XP or Vista you also already have an editing program, Windows Movie Maker. Of course Mac users are blessed with a lovely iLife software package with iMovie-jealous much?

You can add lights, a green screen, lens filters and all kinds of other components to your studio but the above is a good place to start.

So how much? Take a look at this:

Video camera with flip-out lcd screen = $ 99.00

4 gigabyte SD card for the camera = $ 49.00

Tripod- $ 17.00

Multi-directional microphone = $ 52.00

Computer and editing software = $ 0.00

TOTAL = $ 217.00

Are you kidding me? For under $ 225 you can get started with your video-making empire. Ridiculous. Want more in a camera? Here's what I saw last night:

HD video camera with flip-out lcd screen = $ 149.00

Video camera with a 30 gig internal HD = $ 499.00

Video camera with a 40 gig internal HD = $ 449.00

Video camera with a 60 gig internal HD and lots of bells and whistles = $ 899.00

INSANE! So what are you waiting for? Sell ​​some of the junk you have not touch in a year online and start making movies. The Oscars await!


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