The Drone That Looks After Your Car: The Compustar DR-1000

Do not you wish that instead of carrying around loads of your electronic products, you could have them all in one? Now with technology increasingly integrating your electronic products all into one, you can complete many actions from one electronic product. One of our new favorite integrated electronic products that allows you to interface with your smartphone is the Compustar DR-1000, which is a high-tech car alarm system that interacts with your smartphone.

The high end alarm system was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2011. It can interact with not only iPhones but other smartphones, including Blackberries and Android phones. It alerts you via your smartphone whenever there is a security issue, enabling you to get to the scene straight away.

It also enables you to open and close your car doors using your smartphone, so that you no longer need to carry around a transmitter. You can control all from your smartphone. It even allows you to start and stop your engine as well as open your boot. Control does not stop there either as you can almost control anything in your car, from heated seating to sliding doors.

Almost every expert agreements that the real prize in this system is the GPS locator, which helps you locate your car and gives you directions on your smartphone. A real handy tool, especially for those who get lost in the car park of the shopping center!

After locating your car, you can with the DR-1000 catch up with your car's status. You can check on the alarm status, batter voltage, speed and temperature. You can also manage your car as well as the management system and enable you to keep an eye on where your have been, speeding and even reminds you of the maintenance needed!

From your smartphone using the DR-1000 alarm system you can almost do anything! It secures your car, automates some parts of the driving experience and helps you manage everyday car maintenance! The DR-1000 is certainly an eye opener for the future of technology as it goes more and more towards electronic integration.


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