Chrome Notebook Vs iPad 2.0

Google finally announced the launch of Chromebook; the people have been waiting for this device for a long time. On the other hand iPhone also launched iPad 2.0, which is also very attractive and better than the iPad 1.0. Have you been thinking of buying one of the two? Which one should you buy? Here is a brief comparison between Chrome Notebook and iPad 2.0.

Although Chrome Notebook is not available in the market yet, but we can help you in making a decision. The features of Chromebook we are going to discuss have been revealed by the test pilots. iPad is already in the market and has been used by several people by now, so we can weigh the features of two.

The Chrome Netbook is very fast and takes just 10 seconds to reboot. It has 16 GB of SSD storage, but you can not use it directly. The Chromebook comes with a front camera and a Wireless (Wi-Fi or 3G) access. The Keyboard of Chromebook is very beautiful and well designed. It has a very long battery life. One of the drawbacks is that they beta version crashes a lot; the test pilots are positive that this problem would have taken care of when the device is made commercially available.

The iPad 2.0 is also very fast and it has an A4 processor - think Playbook processing power. Like Chromebook, it has 16GB of SSD storage and has cameras on the front and the back. It has wireless access and comes with a digital keyboard. The battery life is around 8 hours and it offers great speed web browsing. It offers great applications as well; however, it does not support Flash. The drawback is that the user is locked into Apple's ever more restrictive "environment".

The price of Google Chrome Netbook would be around $ 320 to $ 450 and the price of iPad 2.0 is near $ 650. When we compare the prices of the two, Chrome Netbook wins. However, if iPad is available at a lower price, like around $ 500, then surely it will be better to buy iPad 2.0 as it is lighter, more portable and offers an interface much like the traditional computer. Apple has been developing computing devices and mobile for a long time, since there are fewer problems expected in an apple device. Chrome Netbook is Google's first commercial computing device: Google would need some years to make it perfect.


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