Kotlin: Hot Android App Development Trend in the Market

Since the time of its invention, Java is ruling the Android app development market. Recently, another modern programming language is becoming immensely popular among the Android developers worldwide. The ranking of Kotlin is getting so higher with the time that the experts are expecting soon, this would become one of the top 20 programming languages ​​ever! This article is going to give you a brief idea on Kotlin and why this language is getting so much attention from the developers.

An Introduction to Kotlin

This is an open source language and based on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Kotlin is the brainchild of renamed Russia-based JetBrains programmers. This new language is now a part of the latest Android Studio version 3.0.

Since more than 20 years, Java is ruling the market and obviously, the impossible features and functionalities that it offers are of ace quality. Otherwise, ruling a market peerlessly is not possible for this long time. However, it may sound strange but you can not ignore the "aging" facet of Java. Here comes Kotlin in the picture. A new, modern, advanced Android dedicated language offering a remarkable set of benefits. Read on and go through the list of benefits that you can avail if you opt for Kotlin.

  • Interoperability
Can you think of the situation, where in the same project, two different programming languages ​​are coexisting? Well, with Kotlin, this is possible. While using Kotlin, you do not need to switch to a different project or no need to change the existing code. You can effortlessly use the features offered by it and make the app development process easier.

  • Less Coding
Let's think of a simple thing! Why would you write a hundred lines of codes when you can do the task by writing only a few lines of code? Yes, the number of codes you need to write in Java to do a special task, you can do it by writing almost 20% less amount of codes in Kotlin. Well, no wonder why worldwide Android developers are going crazy over it!

Undoubtedly, this 'less coding' feature not only diminishes the boilerplate coding amount but also makes execution of the code better.

  • Easy Learning Curve
One of the most intriguing facts about Kotlin is its easy learning curve. Unlike Android O version, you can easily master it by going through the list of language references. It has a lean and intuitive syntax that is gentle for the Java experts. If you already have skills in Java, learning Kotlin is nothing to you!

  • Safe and Secure
Working with Kotlin is a bit safer option for the developers. Wondering why? Well, with the help of it, you can avert critical errors such a NullPointExceptions. The compiler of it automatically casts mistakes. Sometimes, a developer might overlook a small mistake but all thanks to the Kotlin compiler that would not allow doing so.

  • Zero Adoption Cost
The term 'free' or 'zero cost' easily grab attention of people! Kotlin would not disappoint the users in this case as well. How? Well, this is an open source language. Here, you would not have to spend a single penny to get it. Simply get a converter tool that can convert all the existing Java files into Kotlin and that's it! You are all set to start with this impressive high-end language.

Even though Kotlin is gaining its popularity in the market in an exponential way, for the beginners in the Android app development field, it is always advisable to start the learning process with Java.


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