Picking Up Gear For Your Winter Getaway

Global warming may be devastating ski resorts worldwide, but the season has begun and there's still many people getting ready for their winter getaway while the snow lasts. Before you leave it's always good to take stock of what you already have and what you need to buy. The wrong winter clothing can have disastrous results, and getting chilled to the bone is no-one's idea of ​​a fun holiday.

Head and Hands

Firstly, make sure you've got a good hat and gloves. Do not try and get by with your stretch cotton gloves, the moment they get wet they're no better than walking around gripping clumps of ice. Waterproof gloves are a must, and the thicker the hat the better. Make sure it's a tight fit, since they're easy to lose during sledging and skiing. Keeping your face covered in general is always a good move. It's easy to get chill from the wind and sunburn from the snow, so keep covered.

Underwear and Outerwear

Underneath you'll be grabbing some long-limbed thermal underwear, especially a skin-tight shirt and socks. They'll stop cold air from getting to your body and encourage circulation, depending on the make. Once out in the cold you will not even notice they're on, but you'd definitely notice if they were not.

Put on a nice thick fleece and warm trousers. They will not be too important when you're out and about, since on top of that you'll want a thick, snow-appropriate coat and a pair of dungaree-style salopettes. The gear does not have to be expensive, so shop around. This should be a good baseline for traveling out and about. Once you're indoors you'll probably be taking your coat off, so make sure the fleece and trousers are good enough to handle medium to chilly temperatures by themselves.

Utility Gear

First up, some snow grips are a great touch. You'll usually do just about okay without them, but the first time you fall over will quickly change your mind. Rubber grips that stretch over the sole of your shoes can be found for just a couple of pounds, so it's best to pick them up early while they're still available.

Sunglasses are obviously a necessity, just because you're going somewhere colder than England does not mean it'll be as overcast. If you intend to actually take part in any snow sports then upgrade to a pair of goggles. They're far safer, less likely to fall off or crack, providing a better field of vision and even look pretty stylish.

Boards and Bindings

This is a sticky one. If you're fairly experienced and intend to keep on boarding well into the future then it's worth buying your own skis or snowboard. Just be sure you're not going to grow anymore, and that your weight is stable. Spending hundreds of pounds on the perfect piece of gear for you leaves a sour taste when you stop being the perfect rider for the gear. For the most part it's best to rent after the flight. You avoid exorbitant baggage charges, and it'll be a good few years before the equipment hire becomes more expensive than buying outright. No matter what, though, remember to shop around. Resorts and hotels charge insane prices for their gear, and you'll be likely to find something fitting better at higher quality at the closely competitive shops in town.

Make sure you pick up all your gear as and when you need it, and have a great winter holiday while the snow still lasts.


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